
“Sibylle inspires creativity, trust and commitment in my unfolding process of self-discovery. I feel seen and heard in my sessions with her, as she gently joins me while I explore challenges and innovate solutions. Sibylle is extraordinarily skillful in her ability to guide me through a balance of inner process and outer action, helping me to bring more of myself to this world in ways that are lasting. I can’t recommend her and this work enough!” N.A. New Paltz

I am a certified Feminine Power and Positive Intelligence transformational coach and workshop facilitator dedicated to empowering women to create happy, thriving relationships and families while discovering and expressing their own creativity, leadership, and unique life purpose. 

Blending the transformational Feminine Power teachings and Positive Intelligence tools with expertise in parenting, yoga, dreamwork, breathwork and authentic movement, I guide women to dive deeply and courageously into self-discovery and deep transformation.  

The safe container I am able to create as a coach empowers women to dismantle self-diminishing and negative self-images, with the goal of redefining womanhood as a potential leadership role within family, community, and the world at large.  I am determined to help my clients uncover their true gifts and purpose in life.

I also currently facilitate a weekly Women’s Work Collective, a supportive space where women nurture, witness, and celebrate one another in their work, self-care, creativity, and accomplishments. 

 Please contact me via email to find out more.